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Last rites/sick calls/funeral arrangements : 087 237 8773  
Mass Schedule: 
St Michael's Church, Gorey
Saturday Vigil : 6.30pm
Sunday: 8.30am, 10.00am and 12 noon 
Daily Mass: 10:00am & 6:30pm (Mon to Fri) Saturday 10am     
There will be no daily 6.30pm Mass from Mon 1st to Fri 5th April of Easter Week.
Holy Days Mass: 10:00am 

St. Kevin's Church ,Tara Hill
Sunday Mass: 12 noon.
Mass in Polish Language
 Sunday Mass @ 3pm 

Our Masses and services in St. Michael's Church are broad cast live on our website

by clicking here you can access our webcam

or you can listen live on fm 106. 

Rosary at 9.35 a.m. and 6 p.m. everyday.



Sometimes on our journey toward the heavenly promised land we stumble and fall into sin. God is always ready to lift us up and to restore us to grace-filled fellowship with him. He does this through the sacrament of penance (which is also known as confession or reconciliation). Jesus gave his apostles power and authority to reconcile us to the Father. They received Jesus’ own power to forgive sins when he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained" (John 20:22–23). Paul notes that "all this is from God, who has reconciled us to himself through Christ and given us the ministry of reconciliation. . . . So, we are ambassadors for Christ, as if God were appealing through us" (2 Cor. 5:18–20). Through confession to a priest, God’s minister, we have our sins forgiven, and we receive grace to help us resist future temptations.

Confessions Times in St. Michael's

Saturday after 10.00 am Mass in St Michael's Church. 

The sacrament of Penance also gives us the opportunity to receive spiritual advice and instruction from our confessor.
To receive the sacrament of Penance worthily, we must: examine our conscience; be sorry for our sins; have the firm purpose of not sinning again; confess our sins to the priest; be willing to perform the penance the priest gives us. But if the wicked do penance for all his sins which he hath committed and keep all my commandments and do judgment and justice, living he shall live, and shall not die. (Ezekiel 18:21) Further reading -> (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1450-1460)
An examination of conscience is a sincere effort to call to mind all the sins we have committed since our last worthy confession.
Before our examination of conscience we should ask God's help to know our sins and to confess them with sincere sorrow.
We can make a good examination of conscience by calling to mind the commandments of God and of the Church, and the particular duties of our state of life, and by asking ourselves how we may have sinned with regard to them.
Contrition is sincere sorrow for having offended God, and hatred for the sins we have committed, with a firm purpose of sinning no more. Let the wicked man forsake his way and the unjust man his thoughts, and let him return to the Lord; and he will have mercy on him. (Isaiah 55:7)
God will not forgive us any sin, whether mortal or venial, unless we have true contrition for it. Now therefore saith the Lord: "Be converted to me with all your heart, in fasting and in weeping and in mourning. And rend your hearts and not your garments. (Joel 2:12-13)
We should try to have sorrow for all our venial sins when receiving the sacrament of Penance, and, when we have only venial sins to confess, we must have sorrow for at least one of them or for some sin of our past life which we confess.
We should have contrition for mortal sin because it is the greatest of all evils, gravely offends God, keeps us out of heaven, and condemns us forever to hell. If anyone does not abide in me, he shall be cast outside as the branch and wither; and they shall gather them up and cast them into the fire, and they shall burn. (John 15:6)

St Michaels church gorey

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St. Michaels Parish
Parish Office, Presbytery,
St. Michael's Road, Gorey,
Co. Wexford, Y25 DF 89

Phone: 053 942 1117

© 2025 St Michaels Gorey
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